Mohamed (2014) studied on high strength rubberized concrete
containing silica fumes. Tire-rubber particles composed of a combination
of crumb rubber and fine rubber powder that replaced the
total weight of the fine mineral aggregate by 10e40%. The fresh
rubberised concrete exhibited lower unit weight, acceptable
workability and good resilience when compared to plain concrete.
Considerable reductions were noticed in axial strength, flexural
strength, and tangential modulus of elasticity. Zhang and Li (2012)
studied on the abrasion resistance of rubberized concrete. Silica
fumes and crumb rubber were taken as the additives. It was reported
that the addition of silica fume enhanced both compressive
strength and abrasion resistance of concrete, and the addition of
crumb rubber reduced the compressive strength but the abrasion
resistance of the concrete was increased notably. Silica fume concrete
performed a better abrasion resistance than control concrete,
and the rubberized concrete performed a much better abrasion
resistance than silica fume concrete.