The selected case studies are best described as an opportunity sample, with developed country
case studies included because one of the academic or agency co-authors was willing to complete
the instrument, and developing country case studies included through author
connections or World Bank involvement. As such, tractable developing country fisheries are
oversampled since, as a lending organization, the World Bank choses projects where it expects
the country will be able to repay the investment from increased revenue created by the investment.
However, these cases are informative because they represent the range of fisheries in
which investment in management change has the potential to generate social and ecological
benefits, including poverty alleviation.
The selected case studies are best described as an opportunity sample, with developed countrycase studies included because one of the academic or agency co-authors was willing to completethe instrument, and developing country case studies included through authorconnections or World Bank involvement. As such, tractable developing country fisheries areoversampled since, as a lending organization, the World Bank choses projects where it expectsthe country will be able to repay the investment from increased revenue created by the investment.However, these cases are informative because they represent the range of fisheries inwhich investment in management change has the potential to generate social and ecologicalbenefits, including poverty alleviation.
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