ate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country
Excellent Very Good Average Below Average Poor
Overall helpfulness Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Overall helpfulness Excellent Overall helpfulness Very Good Overall helpfulness Average Overall helpfulness Below Average Overall helpfulness Poor
Organization Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Organization Excellent Organization Very Good Organization Average Organization Below Average Organization Poor
Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Excellent Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Very Good Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Average Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Below Average Availability (The local partner was easy to contact by phone or email) Poor
Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Excellent Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Very Good Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Average Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Below Average Ability to prepare students to live and work in the U.S. Poor
Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Excellent Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Very Good Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Average Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Below Average Timeliness (delivered materials/paperwork on time, responded to questions quickly) Poor
Friendliness Rate the services provided by the cooperating agency in your home country Friendliness Excellent Friendliness Very Good Friendliness Average Friendliness Below Average Friendliness Poor
Knowledge of the InterExchange Work & Travel USA Program