Dearest Yen.
I will try and explain this as easy as I can.
My children are important to me - just as much as yours are to you.
However, you are my wife, I love you and I have made a life-time commitment to be by your side.
For us to be together, one of us has to change their life and their famiy arrangements. My love for my children will not change - but my time with them will have to.
We are starting a life together Pim, we are saving and making a future for our children. I want our children we have already and those to come to have maybe what we have not had in life - a guaranteed financial future. I would hope that you would take care of my children financially if you can after my death - just as I would yours.
The wealthier we can be, the better life they can have. I hope you can respect that we have four children now - not just the two in Thailand.
For me to make a better life for my children, I feel there is going to be more opportunity there in Thailand with you, than in you coming here.
Me living with you, means my time with the children will change - but it will not stop - and when they are oder and can decide for themselves where they want to live, it may be easier.
My plan is to live with you my wife - initially in Bangkok and then later hopefully in Nan, building a better off life. We will have to start in Bangkok so you can stil work, or until we have enough money for a large deposit on a house in Nan or until you have a job in Nann approach and we can approach a bank for a loan for a house.
This means I have to amend the hours I am with them. I am going to suggest to Supreeya that the boys stay with us for the first two weeks of school uk summer holidays (end July/start Aug)- hopefully Supreeya will pay for the flights !!
I will also go back to the Uk about every 6-8 months to check on the house and to see the boys for a few days. I also want her to agree that the boys can chat with us on the internet once every week.
Yes, I will see the boys less than now, but I am not leaving them.
I am not your father Pim. I am not saying to Supreeya I do not want them in my life. I am saying to them that I have a wife in Thailand and that I have to try to do what is best for both you and them. They will understand that you have to folow your heart sometimes.
Also I would point out that both of my boys have Thai nationality - which means if one day they do not want to go back with Mum, she cannot make them go.
Never fear that you are taking me away from them Pim or that you are being selfish. Or that you are a bad person for me moving to be with you. That is not the case. You are my wife. Supreeya will not let me take the boys to Thailand, so there could be an argument that maybe she is wrong for not letting them live with us - but I do not want any trouble from their mother.
I am sure I could come off the tablets the doctor gave me if I am with you - I only take them because of the ex-wife and potentialy meeting her in my small town. So, it could be said I am trying also to be in the kid's lives for longer by improving my health.
Pim, I am 51. I have maybe 30-40 years to live - I want to spend those years with you. I have to start to unwind in my life and relax more. I am not saying our life wil be easy, but I would much rather be waiting in our condo for you to come home than here on my own most nights.
So please do not worry Pim. I am coming to be with you sooner rather than later. Find a condo, I will sort out this end and then we will start life. The children will adapt - just as our two daughters are doing !
Husband Richard