2. Experimental
All the chemicals used in this study are of analytical reagent
grade and were utilized as received without further purification.
Deionized water is used throughout the study. Aqueous
solutions of lead nitrate, HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4 and CTAB were
prepared from Pb(NO3)2, Merck, respective acid, Merck and
CTAB (C16H33NCH3Br), Aldrich, respectively. Batch studies
were performed with 30 and 45 mg/L of lead ions to investigate
the extent of adsorption. The pH of each solution was adjusted
to 5.8±0.5 with 0.5M NaOH or HCl. The stopper test tubes
were agitated at 30 ◦C by orbital shaker at fixed speed, 160 rpm
for various time intervals. The adsorbates were separated using
Whattman filter paper and supernatant liquid was analyzed for
residual concentration of lead by atomic absorption spectrometer
(Perkin-Elmer, A Analys-300). Triplicate runs differing by less
than 1% of all the tests were achieved assuring the reproducibility
of the obtained data. The metal concentration retained by the
adsorbent phase was calculated using the following relation:
Qe = (C0 − Ce)V/W (1)
2. ExperimentalAll the chemicals used in this study are of analytical reagentgrade and were utilized as received without further purification.Deionized water is used throughout the study. Aqueoussolutions of lead nitrate, HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4 and CTAB wereprepared from Pb(NO3)2, Merck, respective acid, Merck andCTAB (C16H33NCH3Br), Aldrich, respectively. Batch studieswere performed with 30 and 45 mg/L of lead ions to investigatethe extent of adsorption. The pH of each solution was adjustedto 5.8±0.5 with 0.5M NaOH or HCl. The stopper test tubeswere agitated at 30 ◦C by orbital shaker at fixed speed, 160 rpmfor various time intervals. The adsorbates were separated usingWhattman filter paper and supernatant liquid was analyzed forresidual concentration of lead by atomic absorption spectrometer(Perkin-Elmer, A Analys-300). Triplicate runs differing by lessthan 1% of all the tests were achieved assuring the reproducibilityof the obtained data. The metal concentration retained by theadsorbent phase was calculated using the following relation:Qe = (C0 − Ce)V/W (1)
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