Internal marketing
1. Our company offers employees a vision that they can believe in.
2. In this company the organization’s vision is well communicated to employees.
3. This company has formal ‘‘marketing’’ strategies for recruiting new employees.
4. This company places considerable emphasis on hiring excellent people for open
5. Skill and knowledge development of employees happens as an ongoing process in our
6. In our company, the employees are properly to perform their service roles.
7. Our performance measurement and reward systems encourage employees to work
8. In this company, those employees who provide excellent service are rewarded for their
9. Our company recognises outstanding employees in internal media (for example,
company newsletters).
10. This company measures and rewards employee performance that contributes most to
the organization’s vision.
11. This company places considerable emphasis on communicating with employees.
12. This company communicates to employees the importance of their service roles.
13. This company has the flexibility to accommodate the differing needs of employees.
14. Our company uses data gathered from employees to improve their jobs, and to develop
business strategy.
Company profitability
1. How do you evaluate this company’s profitability (ROS) during the last year? (intervals
range: 1 – ,0 per cent; 7 – .25 per cent).
2. How satisfied or unsatisfied do you consider yourself with this company’s profitability
(ROS) during the last year?
Customer satisfaction
Globally, how satisfied or unsatisfied do you think this company’s customers were, during the
last year?
About the author
Anto´nio Pimenta da Gama has a PhD in Management and Marketing. He has been Professor
and Department Coordinator at IADE (Institute for Visual Arts, Design, and Marketing) since
1996 and is a member of IADE-UNIDCOM (Research Unit for Design, Communication, and
Marketing). He has held several sales and marketing management responsibilities in
companies such as Bull and Hewlett Packard, and as an international lecturer. He is also the
author of the book Marketing Audits. Anto´nio Pimenta da Gama can be contacted at: or