Subway's mission statement is very simple and straight-forward as well. However, it contains all the necessary elements that Subway desires to acquire. By looking at the mission statement, one can know what to provide the customers with. "Delighting" every customer would directly come from good service, and when the service is very good, "[customers] will want to tell their friends". The "fresh, delicious, made-to-order" part explains how the sandwiches should be. This provides Subway's franchisees of a rough guideline of making the sandwiches. The part about an "exceptional experience" is interesting, because it does not state what kind of an experience it is talking about. This could be interpreted differently for different people. Some can think the experience is the taste, and some might think it is the service. This is a great strategy, because each franchisees will have a slightly different interpretation of the mission statement, eventually having them provide slightly different services.
The mission statement also is deeply related to the objective, as achieving the mission statement will mean achieving the objective.