The Historical or Evolutionary Theory is now accepted as the of the correcl theory of the origin of the State. The patriarchial and Matriarchial Theories which seek to explain that family is the nucleus of the starte and either father or omther had really been the head of the family in ancient times are not separate theories of the origin of the starte. They form pary of the accepted Historical or Evolutionary Theory although we have treated them separately for clarity and proper understanding. The theories of Divine Origin Force and Social Contract are speculative and stand reiected. But it does not mean that they have no practical utility. Each one fo these theories contains some element of truth and aids us in penetrating the realm of the past and helps to find out how and why the State came into existence. To examine and reject a specula tive theory is a means of arriving at the truth. It is only by groping in the dark that we hope to reach the light. Leacock has rightly said that the rejection of what is false in the speculative theories of the past will aid in establishing more valid conclusions on the residual basis fo what is true. What exists is neve nev. It is a monument of human effort the result of prolongcd activity We cannot understand any contemporary institution without some knowledge of its genetic background. Speculative theories exmbit the spirit ot the time in which they flourished and are. Consepuently the index of the people their thoughts and their environments and describe the forces that moulded and shaped the practices of the State. Finally speculative theories led to the development of political thought. Men of merit thought and considered
discussed and criticized the various theories enunciated from time to time and it paved the way for further developments in political thimking.The Social contract theory
replaced the theory of Divine Origin and the former was
replaced by the Historical or Evolutionary theory.