Customs /Dos and Don’ts:
Thais are hospitable and friendly, and easy to get along with. They value good
manners and a smile, and armed with these and patience, humour and a
phrasebook for your journeys outside the major cities, you should encounter no
problems with the people of this stunning country. However, you need to be
aware of a few moral and social customs to avoid any difficult situations and
misunderstandings or embarrassment.
Apart from on the beach, wearing shorts, swimwear and skimpy clothing
including sleeveless tee-shirts is considered improper and low-class attire. It is
acceptable for children. Regardless of the heat, you should wear long trousers
whilst in town – and actually, wearing light loose clothing does help keep you
cool, as well as complying with Thai standards of modesty.
Going nude or topless on beaches is considered unacceptable and offensive (a