Dearest One! Greetings to you,I am miss Stella Johnson 24years, I
hope this mail will find you well and healthy and I hope we can
established a Business and relationship since we are meeting here for the first
time,I have gone through your profile that speaks good of you, I was
impressed and decide to communicate with you. I like honesty, trust,
love, caring,truth,& respect all this qualities in me, kindly
respond to me through my private mail box or you can drop your email address for me to contact you back OK.
so we can know ourselves better. Thanks and hoping to hear from you
soonest Then i will send my pictures to you am having problems with my
facebook ok. and remain bless. Miss
Stella (stellamuj ((())) hotmail .c o m)
(stellamuj ((())) hotmail .c o m)