Damrongsak Thongngamtrakul to solve problems on traffic system in Hua Hin city. This activity, carried out by 22 Municipal officers along with the Hua Hin traffic police, is taking place in front of and behind Chat Chai fresh market as well as on the Phetchakasem Road. To successfully do so, the Municipal officers had to learn basic rules on traffic signs, hand signals, whistle blowing and first aid.
Empowerment of various authorities to deal with traffic problems in Hua Hin is an idea of Hua Hin Mayor, Municipal executives and Hua Hin District Chief because of inadequate number of traffic police.
Although there are many Municipal officers, they do not have knowledge on legal regulations and traffic rules. As a result, the traffic police will train Municipal officers before they go to work. At present, the result is somewhat impressive and this activity will go on until the next high season. Col. Damrongsak said that Hua Hin had a lot of people and visitors, especially during public holidays and weekends when many cars could be seen on the ma