Ferb was born in England to Lawrence Fletcher and an obscure and unknown mother. At some point in their lives, Lawrence's relationship with Ferb's biological mother ended abruptly and Lawrence was left alone as a single parent caring for his young son. Eventually, Ferb and Lawrence moved to the city of Danville in the United States where his father met a woman named Linda Flynn and fell in love with her at a Love Händel concert ("Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together").
When Lawrence married Linda, Ferb gained Linda's children, Phineas and Candace, as step-siblings. Ferb has shared an enduring relationship with Phineas for which they have come to know one another not only as brothers, but also as best friends ("Mom's Birthday", "Rollercoaster").
Summer adventures
State Fair coaster 1
Phineas and Ferb on the State Fair's rollercoaster.
Naked Ferb
Oops! As seen in Run Away Runway.
Phineas realizes that summer doesn't last forever, and decides to make summer last by doing outrageous things. Phineas and Ferb decide to build a rollercoaster that extends from their backyard to all over town. Not only did they create a rollercoaster, but they created a beach in their backyard as well, where Ferb sang his first known song, Backyard Beach. A short while after that, Ferb became a member of the Phineas and the Ferb-Tones, where they became one-hit wonders in just a day ("Rollercoaster", "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror", "Flop Starz").
Ferb helped Phineas remodel Mount Rushmore for Candace's birthday, carving Candace's face into the sculpture. Ferb was also a very successful time-traveler, since he and Phineas fixed a time machine at the local museum, traveling back in time to 300 million B.C. Phineas and Ferb accidentally brought Candace with them, breaking the time machine in the process. Together they took the time to practice patience while Isabella and the Fireside Girls created another time machine to retrieve them ("Candace Loses Her Head", "It's About Time!").
Phineas and Ferb helped reunite Love Händel back together for their parents' anniversary. While Phineas was trying to talk the band members into getting back together, Ferb started making music with random objects to help start a song. Later that day, Love Händel was reunited ("Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together").
Ferb and his stepbrother went into space to see the star his father had bought for them. Their sister accidentally tagged along though, and the three went on a perilous journey through the galaxy. Surviving an asteroid field and other dangers, they ran out of fuel and stopped at an asteroid where a milkshake bar stood. There, Phineas and Ferb found out that it was really a star and they owned it. Phineas and Ferb returned home and accompanied Isabella to the Night of the Falling Stars dance ("Out to Launch").
Phineas and Ferb were asked for help by their friend, Baljeet, to help him build a portal to Mars. They successfully built it, helping Baljeet get an A+++ for his science grade. Ferb also received a camera and a chemistry set from Bastille Day. He used the chemistry set to help Baljeet grow his shrunken watermelon to be 50 feet tall, and the camera to make friends with Nosey, the Lake Nose Monster ("Unfair Science Fair", "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister", "The Lake Nose Monster").
Heinz Doofenshmirtz once caused the entire universe to grow large, but everything seemed normal to Ferb and everyone else, as it did not look different ("Attack of the 50 Foot Sister").
Ferb and his brother met Meap, a cute space alien who was searching for his nemesis, Mitch. Phineas and Ferb accidentally knocked his spaceship into their backyard because they were playing baseball. Meap ran off with Candace to her Bango-Ru convention. While Phineas was busy trying to find Meap with his Cute-O-Meter, Ferb was repairing Meap's spaceship ("The Chronicles of Meap").
Ferb tested Meap's spaceship out for a run when he was done repairing it. He stopped by Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, whom he was particularly fond of, and backed up a bit to flirt with her ("The Chronicles of Meap").
Ferb eventually met his neighbors' relatives, whom were named Thaddeus and Thor. Ferb bears an uncanny resemblance to Thor, and sure enough, it turns out that the two like to build stuff as well as Phineas and Ferb do. They then compete on who can build the biggest backyard fort, and of course, Phineas and Ferb's fort wins ("Thaddeus and Thor").
One night, while Phineas and Ferb are sleeping, Perry disappears into his lair and is told by Major Monogram that he will be assigned to a new villain, and also, a new family. Perry then leaves the following morning, leaving Ferb in a state of depression and sadness. Ferb, along with his brother decides to host an awareness campaign (much like they did for the aglets) and sings a song about Perry. Perry then arrives, cheering Ferb and the other characters up automatically ("Oh, There You Are, Perry").
Ferb, Phineas, Candace, their parents, and Isabella get shipwrecked on a deserted island after a storm. Lawrence asks Phineas and Ferb to help build a shelter where they can stay inside, and Phineas and Ferb do so. However, they overdo it and instead makes some sort of vacation home. Despite that they were only doing what their dad said, Candace tries to bust them (the only reason being that she's angry they didn't build something that would reach the mainland).("Swiss Family Phineas")
On a visit to the beach, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, and Irving goes out to look for the lost city of Atlantis. (Irving wasn't actually invited, he came with them when "Mom stopped for gas") ("Atlantis").
On Tri-State Area Unification Day, he, Phineas, and their friends decides to hijack the parade to show what Tri-State unification is all about, making giant floats of themselves, and even have Love Händel perform. Buford makes several attempts to interrupt the parade, but Ferb took precautions and managed to escape his traps. After the floats had literally floated away, Ferb and the others continue the parade by simply pulling wagons ("Hip Hip Parade").
We Believe in You
Ferb encouraging Candace
On the summer solstice, Ferb and his brother flew around the world in 40 hours. They stopped in Tokyo, the Himalayas, Paris, and an unknown island. In Paris, Ferb shows his crush on Vanessa by riding on a motorcycle with her and bringing flowers for her. At the end, all of his and Phineas' friends had a celebration in their backyard. ("Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You!")
One day, Ferb and his brother decide to build a rollercoaster again. This time they did it as a musical, but Ferb questions what assurance that he has that everyone will break into a musical number. The day ran the same as it did in the first episode. He later said that "Carpe Diem" is English for seize the day, and the entire cast breaks into a musical number. ("Rollercoaster: The Musical!")
A short while later, Ferb builds a supercomputer that can answer anything. However, Linda got a bad hairdo at a local salon and ends up having a bad hair day. To cheer her up, the boys tie balloons to industrial marking dye and a leaf blower. At 2:37 pm on that day, the items are released and Mom's bad hairdo turns back to her normal hairstyle. ("Ask a Foolish Question")
On the last day of a family road trip, the boys decided to build a truck stop diner as they didn't get to go to one on their trip. Ferb recieved a delivery of the food and the establishment is set up. Truck drivers nearby ended up going to the diner and a song explained the scene. Candace wanted to bust the boys, but she ended up becoming a waitress there. ("Road Trip")
Ferb belts it out
Ferb singing Everything's Better With Perry
On Perry's fifth birthday, Ferb and his brother built a "Platypult" to celebrate. They end up landing in Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated and help Dr. Doofenshmirtz build an Other dimension-inator. Perry landed there and the boys took him to the 2nd dimension, but then they found out that he was a secret agent. Doofenshmirtz planned an invasion on the 1st dimension, so Ferb and the platypus went back with a few stops on the way. They explained summer to the counterparts of themself, and got trapped by Doofenshmirtz. Many of his friends ended the invasion and he, along with the others, had to get his memory erased to forget about Perry's identity. (Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension)
Ferb's ancestors had lives very similar to him currently. Gerb and his brother had invented the wheel and had a celebration of Can-tok inventing fire ("Tri-Stone Area"). Several centuries later, the boys helped save Princess Isabella, who had been kidnapped by Doofenshmirtz ("Doof Dynasty"). Sometime later, his ancestor Ferb-a-lot went to find the sword Excaliferb, but then it turned into a monster fight ("Excaliferb"). In 1914, he and his brother set out to find the lost amulet of Juatchadoon ("Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon").
One day when Doof's "Babe-inator" hit Phineas and Ferb, they were turned into babies. They still had remarkable abilities and Candace had to chase them around town. At Vivian's "aunt's sister's landlord's party", the Fireside Girls join the boys in being babies. ("Agent Doof")
Ferb and his family and friends went on a trip to Africa to visit their dad's friend. They go on a safari and the boys build a highly unconventional vehicle. However, Buford messes up the machine and they fall into an uncharted gorge. Phineas was concerned that Perry was in the forest of Africa. Perry was actually trying to avoid the boys as he was accidentally sent to Africa. After the fight against Carl, who was evil, the boys meet up with their platypus. Ignatius then wonders how their platypus came to Africa, but then Ferb says that platypi are synonymous with the word impossible. ("Where's Perry?") ("Where's Perry? (Part Two)")
The boys decided to create an antique car f