1. Semiautomatic cutting machine " Energy Motor activator : Motor of DC 20,4 Watt 0,85A 24 volt 22 rpm " The weight of machine : 20 kg " Length of machine : 495 mm " Width of machine : 330 mm " High of machine : 400 mm " Maximum speed of wheel : 0,04 m / s " Wheel diameter : 65 mm " Axis diameter : 15 mm " Amount of tooth of gear small and big : 14 and 28
2. Plate cutting machine can cut plate thickly minimize 3 mm and maximal 15 mm
3. Arrangement of speed of machine motion use electronic network which consist of 6 degree of speed
4. Each election of speed earn in tuning by adding and lessening value of resistor 1 by using plus screwdriver