Monitoring and measurement of the RF modulated layer at the DVB-S/S2 transmitter output
Real performance metrics of a DVB-S/S2 transmission system
Cost effective solution for 24/7 remote monitoring DVB-S/S2 modulated RF signal quality at local and remote installations, re-broadcast links, repeaters and unmanned sites
Comprehensive set of critical RF measurements including signal MER, frequency spectrum, shoulder attenuation, frequency shift, etc.
Estimation of DVB-S/S2 signal distortions at the transmitter system output caused by the system non-linearity and band-path filtering
Early indication of signal degradation as a result of the transmitter system components aging or operational parameters variations
An embedded solution of remote applications, in-filed diagnostics, production testing and design verification
Flexible solution with the in-filed upgrade capability including diagnostic and monitoring features that can be tuned to meet the most demanding requirements of customer's application
Rich plotting capabilities for data visualization
Event log