The objective of this work is to study COD and BOD5 reduction of domestic wastewater
using biological denitrification provided by anaerobic flora attached to different support
media (pouzzolane irregularly shaped, foam (polyurethane) cube-shaped, two different
types of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PET (polyethylene terephthalate), and PS (polystyrene))
Under optimum conditions, maximum reduction and maximum COD and BOD5 reduction
achieved using PVC1 and PVC2 were 64.33 and 58.93%, and 80.1 and 72.1%, respectively.
Results showed that PVC offered potential benefits for COD and BOD5 removal from
wastewater. Results showed that PVC promotes bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation
compared to other support media and offered potential benefits for COD and BOD5
removal from wastewater.