Retail business is now popular for people who want to start a business but somehow it has many factors; management, promotion or process that can affect the success. Now we focus on the shoe shop, most of them have a small shop that means they have a small space to show the products. It’s impossible to put plenty things to a small space. And another reason is management, which a bad controlling the result is definite bad. So to make the business good shop owner must have a good management and support system to help them.
Inventory is a list of goods in stock i.e. total amount of materials contained in a unit/store. Inventory management is the management of that list of material in stock. Efficient inventory management means that there should be constant inflow and outflow of material; it should be a consistently controlled process by shop owner. The software must provide business solutions for managing inventory, sale, purchase and shipping etc.
The software that we will create called “Shoe shop Management Assistant System” is a kind of Management Information System (MIS) or in another name Inventory Management System (IMS). Using as a Business and Customer Software. It’s the software for Retailers who want to keep track of their profit and stock levels without the need of complex functions. The user can use mane features such as Stock Management, Payment Bill Generation, Profit wise Report and Multi Language Support in case of foreign customer.
From the searching in the internet, we found that this kind of software has been widespread disseminated as a free software. But there’s a different component between an Inventory Management System and Shoe shop Management Assistant System that is a Barcode Scanner System. This system requires many hardware such as barcode reader, barcode printer, barcode label etc. that inventory management software must work along with barcode for inventory tracking and control. But Shoe shop Management Assistant System is different. It’s a combination between a normal inventory management system and an online shop system. It doesn’t need any machine support. Shop owner can start a business with normal computers or tablets.