KNIME: Data Mining Tool
KNIME was developed (and will continue to be expanded) by the Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining at
the University of Konstanz, Germany. The group headed by Michael Berthold also uses KNIME for teaching and
research at the University. Quite a number of new data analysis methods developed at the chair are integrated in KNIME.
The KNIME base version already incorporates hundreds of processing nodes for data I/O, preprocessing and cleansing,
modeling, analysis and data mining as well as various interactive views, such as scatter plots, parallel coordinates and
others. It integrates all analysis modules of the well known Weka data mining environment and additional plug-in allow
R-scripts to be run, offering access to a vast library of statistical routines. KNIME is based on the Eclipse platform and,
through its modular API, easily extensible. When desired, custom nodes and types can be implemented in KNIME within
hours thus extending KNIME to comprehend and provide first-tier support for highly domain-specific data. This
modularity and extensibility permits KNIME to be employed in commercial production environments as well as teaching
and research prototyping settings.