Educational level
High school 78 (30.7)
Diploma 38 (15.0)
Baccalaureate 118 (46.5)
Master/Doctorate 20 (7.9)
Family monthly income by JDsa
Less than 200 JDs 15 (6.4)
200–499 JDs 116 (49.6)
500–999 JDs 80 (34.2)
1000 JDs and more 23 (9.8)
Body mass index
Less than 20 (underweight) 65 (25.6)
20–24.9 (normal) 144 (56.6)
25–29.9 (overweight) 37 (14.6)
30 and more (obese) 8 (3.2)
Age at menarche
9–11 years 13 (5.2)
12–13 years 129 (51.2)
14 years and more 110 (43.7)
Menstrual cycle
Regular 180 (71.1)
Irregular 73 (28.9)
Frequency of the menstrual cycle
Less than 20 days 12 (4.8)
20–31 days 204 (81.0)
More than 31 days 36 (14.3)
Duration of the menstrual cycle
Less than 6 days 137 (54.6)
6 days and more 114 (45.4)
Intensity of the menstrual cycle