To determine children's independent mobility behavior, an Independent
Mobility Indexwas computed using questions from both parent and child questionnaires.
This index has been described elsewhere (Villanueva et al., 2012a,
2013). Briefly, children were asked if they actively traveled to 15 local
activities/destinations (excluding trips to school) in theweek prior to the survey
(no, sometimes, yes). The activities (n = 6) included playing a team sport;
swimming; going to a club or youth group; watching sport; music lessons;
and catching a bus. The destinations (n = 9) included visiting a park, playground
or playing field; own friend's house; family/family friend's house; local
shop; other shops; post-box; local library (not school library); movie cinema;
and Sunday school/church. Parents were also asked if they allowed their child
to attend these 15 activities/destinations without an adult (no, yes). An independent
mobility score was computed by summing the activities/destinations
children actively traveled to and if they were allowed to do so without an
adult (range 0–15).
To determine children's independent mobility behavior, an IndependentMobility Indexwas computed using questions from both parent and child questionnaires.This index has been described elsewhere (Villanueva et al., 2012a,2013). Briefly, children were asked if they actively traveled to 15 localactivities/destinations (excluding trips to school) in theweek prior to the survey(no, sometimes, yes). The activities (n = 6) included playing a team sport;swimming; going to a club or youth group; watching sport; music lessons;and catching a bus. The destinations (n = 9) included visiting a park, playgroundor playing field; own friend's house; family/family friend's house; localshop; other shops; post-box; local library (not school library); movie cinema;and Sunday school/church. Parents were also asked if they allowed their childto attend these 15 activities/destinations without an adult (no, yes). An independentmobility score was computed by summing the activities/destinationschildren actively traveled to and if they were allowed to do so without anadult (range 0–15).
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