Children of today are exposed to violence every single day, be it in the home, on the streets, on the TV, in the newspaper, or in the movies. This is a kind of a malady of the modern world, unfortunately. Toddlers are generally engrossed by television cartoons, some of which do carry disturbing humor and violent action’s and messages. Many of us parents end up making the kids sit glued to television sets so that we can attend to some other things.
This frequent television watching generally involves cartoons, and today, many cartoons are mills of violence. Many children are very attached to violent cartoons. Infact, if you’d ask any kid, he will surely be able to tell you something about his favorite cartoon character- ranging from action heroes and super villains to simple and innocent cartoon characters. However, children who watch too much of violence on TV can are very likely to have emotional and behavioral problems, says a research.