Teaching English to pre-school children became quite a fashionable trend 10 years ago in the Czech Republic
and it has been on its rise since. Many kindergartens all over the Czech Republic offer the opportunity of second
language learning, particularly English although in the capital city, Prague, there are kindergartens providing their
tuition also in French or German. However, these are usually international kindergartens and they use language
immersion as their main teaching method.Other kindergartens, national state or private ones, offer the possibility of
second language learning with the help of different foreign methods. Such classes are usually held once in a week or
once in two weeks. The tuition itself is provided either by a kindergarten teacher or by a hired one who possesses a
degree in teaching English as a second language. One of the most famous and successful courses in teaching English
as a second language to pre-school children in the Czech Republic has been Helen Doron Early English (6.5.2012),
which considers teaching English at this age as natural asthe acquisition of one’s native language. Moreover, also
psychologists claim (When to start teaching English to a child 6.5.2012) that it is good to start learning a second
language as soon as possible because till the age of seven all the percept is stored in the same area of one’s brain.
However, after that age each foreign speech has a different network of neurons, which consequently requires
switching among individual networks. Therefore, as a proverb goes: The sooner you start learning a foreign
language, the better.In addition to that, it has already been scientifically proven that children at this age actually
have a strong potential to acquire almost an infinite number of new information, especially when second language
learning is concerned. Furthermore, it has been proven that children who learn a second language at a very early age
(compared to those who do not), have more active brain spheres and later have less difficulties in school subjects
other than English.