4. The analytic function of local rules of 2-State cellular automata
There are numerous of 2-state cellular automata with other forms of neighbors. In this paper, we take the two dimensional
cellular automata with Von Neumann neighbors as shown in Fig. 2 as an example to briefly introduce the construction of
the analytic function of the local rules.
For each 2-state cellular automata S ¼ f0; 1g with Von Neumann neighbors, the state combination between the cells and
the neighbors at the moment t is noted as Nt
x;yÞ ¼ ðst
x1;yÞ; st
ðx;yþ1Þ; st
ðx;yÞ; st
ðxþ1;yÞ; st
ðx;y1ÞÞ, and based on the definition (4) the analytic
function of the local rules can be defined as