Homelessness is a critical social challenge for the United States.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
(2010) estimated that over 650,000 individuals experienced homelessness
in 2010, of which nearly 20% experienced long-term homelessness
(NAEH, 2011). However, the recent downturn of the
economic climate has created a shift in the composition of the homeless
population over time. Although the overall number of homeless
individuals has remained fairly stable over the past few years, family
homelessness increased by approximately 7% between 2008 and
2009 and 30% from 2007 to 2009 (HUD, 2010). Currently, children
comprise 22% of the homeless population in the United States on
any given night (HUD, 2010).
Homelessness is a critical social challenge for the United States.The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)(2010) estimated that over 650,000 individuals experienced homelessnessin 2010, of which nearly 20% experienced long-term homelessness(NAEH, 2011). However, the recent downturn of theeconomic climate has created a shift in the composition of the homelesspopulation over time. Although the overall number of homelessindividuals has remained fairly stable over the past few years, familyhomelessness increased by approximately 7% between 2008 and2009 and 30% from 2007 to 2009 (HUD, 2010). Currently, childrencomprise 22% of the homeless population in the United States onany given night (HUD, 2010).
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