Diagram above emphasizes two-way communications to sustain health of a
Procedure Based Organization
Not only does an activity have to declare that it has a Procedure Based Organization, but
it has to back it up with a working process for procedure and checklist origination,
dissemination, feedback and follow-up. The idea of feedback and follow-up is reinforced
in the diagram above by arrows that imply two-way paths for communications. It is not
enough just to disseminate procedures and checklists. Users must have on-going evidence
that their ideas for improvement are being received, considered and acted upon promptly.
Changes that are concurred in must be seen to be incorporated in revised procedures and
checklists coming out of a process that functions as well as is expected of the
maintenance and operations processes it supports. Otherwise, enforcement of a policy
requiring compliance will quickly become impossible, because of a perception that
management support for the process is weak or non-existent.