Our Project is Web Application that contain database of restaurant information.
We Search and collect the information from Student around Mae Fah Luang University and
The restaurant around Mae Fah Luang University. We use information to add the restaurant information trusted. The related web application is “Wong Nai”
2.1 Related concept review
The related concept is Wong Nai Web Application. It is management information system that manages data to be the useful information. The problem of “Wong Nai” web application is a big scope to finding restaurant system and unbelievable restaurant information
Figure 2.1 web application “”
2.2 Related technology review
Wong Nai contain developer, requirement tools, and some architecture like
Client – Server architecture, Web architecture and Mobile solution
2.3 Related system review
The features of the “Wong Nai” web application are search restaurant, nearby restaurant, check-in restaurant, log in system, review and rate in restaurant information and discount from cooperation restaurant. Our project has the same feature as “Wong Nai” web application but we have some special feature are random restaurant to find the place to eat a breakfast, launce or dinner also random food. “Wong Nai” interface is like the Figure 2.1, Our project is look like Wong Nai interface but not same for sure.