will prove to be economical and efficient in the long-term as they circumvent the
need for treating pollutants and by-products generated by conventional synthesis.
Microwave-assisted heating under controlled conditions is an invaluable technology
because it not only often dramatically reduces reaction time, typically from
days or hours to minutes or even seconds, but enhances the rate of reaction and also
fulfills the major aims of green chemistry by reducing side reaction resulting into
increased yield and improved reproducibility (Hayes, 2002).
Microwave chemistry has become a central tool in this fast paced, time sensitive
field and it has blossomed into a useful technique for a variety of applications
in organic synthesis where high yielding protocols and facility of purifications are
highly desirable (Bradley, 2001). Faced with the increasing demands of novel drug
targets, there is considerable current interest to accelerate this technology associated
with combinatorial and computational chemistry.
The major problems for the use of microwave ovens are the lack of temperature
control and also the flammability of organic solvent used in the reaction. Now a
days, some modified/improved microwave instruments are available with both the
controls; temperature and pressure so as to have monitoring of chemical reaction
Pharma industries synthesizing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) are
looking towards microwave technology as a hope to assist them for large-scale production
and that too in limited time.
Microwave radiations have proved to be highly effective heating source for
chemical reactions. It provides rapid and homogeneous heating, which has certain
advantages such as reaction rate acceleration, milder reaction condition and higher
chemical yield. In short, microwave enhanced chemical reactions are safer, faster,
cleaner and more economical than conventional reactions. It helps in developing
cleaner and greener synthetic routes.
•• Advantages
•• Green Chemistry
•• Limitations
•• Microwave