3. Definitions
In general the definitions of terms used in this recommended practice conform to the definitions provided in IEEE Std 610.12-1990. The definitions below are key terms as they are used in this recommended practice.
3.1 contract: A legally binding document agreed upon by the customer and supplier. This includes the tech- nical and organizational requirements, cost, and schedule for a product. A contract may also contain infor- mal but useful information such as the commitments or expectations of the parties involved.
3.2 customer: The person, or persons, who pay for the product and usually (but not necessarily) decide the requirements. In the context of this recommended practice the customer and the supplier may be members of the same organization.
3.3 supplier: The person, or persons, who produce a product for a customer. In the context of this recom- mended practice, the customer and the supplier may be members of the same organization.
3.4 user: The person, or persons, who operate or interact directly with the product. The user(s) and the customer(s) are often not the same person(s).