developed countries. In recent years, pest control particularly for aphids has been revolutionized by the
application of predators and parasitoids in those countries (Bari and Sardar, 1998). The coccinellid beetles are
considered to be a great economic importance in agro-ecosystem through their successful employed in the
biological control of many injurious insect (Agarwala et al, 1988).
In our country most of the farmers are not well acquainted with grubs and pupae of the lady birds. They are
accustomed to use insecticide indiscriminately without monitoring the pest population above the Economic
Threshold Level (ETL) as well as consulting experts of this line. Its adverse side effects have already caused
threat to a great extent to human being, beneficial predators. Our poor farmers are becoming poorer and crops
vulnerable to attack and disease. In this aspect exploration of predators like M. discolor in Bangladesh may play
a vital role as part of IPM Programme.
The study of the biology of M. discolor would help to use this insect of proper biological control. But reviews of
biology of M. discolor is limited and environmental conditions of Dinajpur are different from other areas of the
country. So, the present study was undertaken to observe the biology of M. discolor