The system has two windows: the pattern -design window
for editing 2D cloth patterns and the 3D window for
manipulating cloth on a 3D character (the body)(Figure 3).
The user first edits a 2D cloth pattern in the pattern-design
window and then puts the clothes on the body using the
wrapping operation. The user can then manipulate the
clothing using surface dragging and pushpins.
Figure 3: A screen snapshot of the system. Pink is the
inside surface of the cloth, green is the outside, and the
small gray lines indicate sewing constraints applied by
the user.
The 2D pattern editor is a specialized 2D drawing
program. The user draws pieces of cloth as closed polygons
that can be freely moved and scaled. Each piece has distinct
front and back sides, and the user can flip a piece to see its
other side. The user can also indicate that two edges from
different pieces are to be connected by specifying sewing
constraints. The system ma intains equality of the lengths of
connected edges during pattern editing. We also provide
simple editing operations such as duplication of pieces and
making a piece horizontally symmetric. The
implementation of the pattern editor is straightforward and
hence not described here.
The 3D viewing window works as a typical 3D object
viewer. The user can rotate and move the body
three-dimensionally using the right mouse button [15].