To whom it may concern: I would like to speak to someone about my customer experience last Thursday when my friend booked to see star wars. Firstly the app he used stated the movie was in English but in fact it was Thai. At least eight other customers had this issue so I do not believe it to be an error on my friends behalf. What disappointed me is the service we received in dealing with this problem. The manager was unable to make any decisions without calling someone, so she either had no authority to deal with customer complaints, or she was not trained enough to be able to deal with it. Her solution was to give us seats for another showing which I stated to her, we bought sofa tickets for a 3D showing and she offered us non sofa seats for a 2d show. This was unacceptable for me as I am not enjoying the movie as I wanted and that the seats being offered were lower than the value I paid for. After much discussion and waiting for more than half an hour she came back and said that we can watch the first class showing but that sofas were not available and we could have free tickets for another show and free popcorn and drinks. This I thought to be very fair although I'm still upset that I had to get quite vocal with her before she came with this solution. My friends and I thought the matter resolved until we came back for the showing and the manager told us to get our free drinks and popcorn and told us our set a numbers. She did not ask us which seats we wanted which I thought very strange as customers are generally allowed to choose their seats. She directed us to go to the food stand to get our free beverage, and the staff there were not clear on what to do, they had to call and confirm with the manager which took another ten minutes. Then we asked for water and they gave us tap water which we thought was not ok as they had to call and ask the manager again if we could have free bottled water. This took another ten minutes. Finally they agreed and I thought this very strange as why would you promise free beverages to customers only to give them tap water which we know in Thailand is not necessarily the cleanest. Then we went to watch the movie, and the manager explained that we couldn't get sofas because they were all booked, however we saw many sofa seats unused. This was before, during and after the movie. So I would consider this a lie on the managers part. If she had offered us the sofa seats but explained that hey cost more and we need to pay the difference then I would have accepted this. But she did not, she just choose the seats for us, and did not try to help us. All in all this was a very disappointing experience. I understand that mistakes can happen but the treatment that I experienced was that the mistake was not your companies but ours for booking with an app. We were offered options that did not meet our money spent. We had to over and over again wait for this manager to relay messsages to her team about our situation. Why could she not come with us to the food stand and direct to our seats? As customers are we beneath her time and concern? The staff were also very unpleasant in the way that they treated us as difficult customers rather than paying customers who have paid for a service. I would very much like to hear from somebody about exactly what a manager if supposed to do in a situation where a booking has gone wrong and the fault lies with SF cinema. Because I believe there was not any clear protocol for dwaljng with us other than to hope that we shut up and go away. Even when I offered to accept money back the manager declined. Even after I explained that I have spent money on transport, booking fee and food that a simple refund would not actually cover the.losses I experienced that evening the manager was unable to resolve or provide an explanation. Please respond to this email as I feel that as a foreigner I was treated very poorly. Many thanks in advance for your reply.