Considering that such research can take up decennia, we
would like to conclude with some recommendations based on
our results. Primary healthcare is aiming to improve community
health by health promotion as risk factor prevention
and prevention of diseases and complications. Management
of DM is also based on prevention in high-risk and prediabetic
individuals, prevention of complications as summed
up above, and is mostly about lifestyle intervention, diet
regimens, and exercise. According to our results, we can
conclude that diabetes mellitus is an unarguable independent
risk factor for urinary incontinence and that the interaction
between DM and BMI seems to be important for stress UI.
Therefore, we suggest that all diabetic patients should be
questioned for UI in DM long-term management in order to
prevent this problem. The importance of UI should also be
emphasized in health promotion in overweight and obesity in
diabetic and non-diabetic women.
Considering that such research can take up decennia, wewould like to conclude with some recommendations based onour results. Primary healthcare is aiming to improve communityhealth by health promotion as risk factor preventionand prevention of diseases and complications. Managementof DM is also based on prevention in high-risk and prediabeticindividuals, prevention of complications as summedup above, and is mostly about lifestyle intervention, dietregimens, and exercise. According to our results, we canconclude that diabetes mellitus is an unarguable independentrisk factor for urinary incontinence and that the interactionbetween DM and BMI seems to be important for stress UI.Therefore, we suggest that all diabetic patients should bequestioned for UI in DM long-term management in order toprevent this problem. The importance of UI should also beemphasized in health promotion in overweight and obesity indiabetic and non-diabetic women.
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