Undergraduate Library are pioneering. This involves setting up development
environments for research assistants, as well as recruiting and hiring research staff
who have the computing expertise to implement the experimental mobile systems.
A second approach is to use already existing projects outside libraries, but still
provide programming application interfaces or APIs. As an example of a third party
API, consider experimenting with a tool such as the Layar app: www.layar.com.
Investigation into the data transformations within Layar is discussed by (Osheim,
2011). Developing library frameworks on existing computer vision libraries compiled
in mobile platforms, like the OpenCV for Android project (http://code.opencv.org/
projects/opencv/wiki/OpenCV4Android) is a time efficient strategy for developing
functiona! prototypes. Already developed mobile augmented reality projects can be
adapted to library uses.
There are hybrid approaches to mobile application development, where third party
APIs can be incorporated into locally developed mobile computing applications.
Actively studying student, patron and staff preferences will help to get the library to a M
place where they can prototype augmented reality tools that are useful and used. There a^
are a number of use cases and user needs that augmented reality applications help to
address and iteratively assessing the mobile application prototypes with your user
base is a way to ensure that computing resources and development time of the library
win be effectively allocated. Augmented reality projects vetted by patron use
preferences will help to ensure vibrant and compelling library services for the
twenty-first century. —ฆ—
The twenty-first century library is a laboratory of experimentation and prototyping.
Mobile augmented reality services described herein are starting points for developing
next generation library computing services that are truly effective for meeting the
information needs of users in a digital era.