I did Yamaneko first because he’s that fucking irritating as shit whiny bitch emo fag yusa kouji character in EVERY OTOME GAME EVER. The good thing is as you can see I’m jaded to his faggotry so I came in expecting a massive rapefest. I guess I was prepared because it didn’t seem as awful as it could have been and maybe because most of it was implied/behind the scenes crap anyway. Well it helps that I skipped the blatant rape end route too but anyway. Yusaneko owns a restaurant named “Restaurant Solitude” because hes a LONELY EMOFAG and he just wants people to come and make him feel LESS RONERY by having the restaurant in the middle of the woods. His sweet talk & shit made me go like ( ´_ゝ`) but Tiana, being the fucking reteard that she is, was all like “kya he’s such a gentleman!” I mean she’s so dumb that the first day they meet, he freaking slips his hand up her thigh and she thinks NOTHING of it! WHAT A GENTLEMAN. Wolf tells him to stay away from the flower field knowing little that his crazy idiot is the one who created the field in the first place! In fact, there’s a curse in the forest where if you say your real name outloud, or anyone says it, you will turn into a white flower that will bloom around the cursed tree. At one point when some erojiji tries to rape her in the forest, she calls out to Yamaneko for help and he comes and tricks the old fart into yelling out his real name and immediately this guy turns into a flower. The only person whose real name has been spoken but is ok, is Tiana. At one point he asks Tiana to leave Wolf and to live with him instead. Tiana of course is a bloomin’ idiot so she of course agrees! He then pulls some confession bullshit on her and gives her a ring made of flowers in that field.