Nowadays we spend over half of our walking days in the workplace.
Some people may look at work as something that they need to get through in order to enjoy the rest of our life. While the others make a goal of improving their happiness at work. If we fine a daily routine that makes our morning and working days more manageable, then we’ll be able to find meaning in our work and in our interaction in the workplaces in no time. We will be happy at work by many ways, such as we should wake up at least an hour before leaving for work. Give your self -time to eat breakfast, read a little bit or do whatever we need to do to get the day started off on the right foot.
We should dress properly and leave our personal problems at home. It’s better if we can get to work at least ten minutes early. A rushed and bad start will minimize our chances of having a good day and feeling happy at work. After we arrive the office, greet colleagues as you can before you get to work. If you can do these ways, you will be happy at work all day.