'- Damaged electrical wires were found taped only at some areas e.g. at Filling - Production line 4, injection line, and Maintenance office which may cause electrical hazards e.g. electrical shocks and fire.
- Some electrical panels were found open e.g. at water treatment room which may cause workers being exposed with electrical hazards or may initate access and potential electrical setting changes by unauthorised persons.
- At other areas it was found that electrical cables were dangling or running on the floor, as found at Production line 4, laboratory office, Maintenance office and training room, which may generate electrical hazards. Dangling electrical wire was found as well outside bottle blowing area for Line 4.
- Observing the contractor area working on new warehouse construction, it was noticed that they installed an electrical control panel, switch and cables located outside of building, in open area which may expose the panel, switch and cables to rain water. During the audit it was not proven that this electrical installation has correct Ingress Protection (IP) rating for the installation as per international standard IEC 60529. It was shown that an inspection was done by Electrician and safety officer that the panel was prohibited to be used due to no IP rating information, however it was seen that the electrical panel was still at the area and no tag or warning sign to prevent the use the electrical installation. The Plant could not ensure whether the electrical installation was used or not by the contractor. It was only said that the inspection result was informed to the contractor. (Note: the electrical installation was not in use during plant tour due to public holiday).
- Electrical installation ot Plant was inspected by licenced 3rd party on 31 May 2013 as verified to the inspection report. It was not re-inspected up to now (July 2014), which is not in line with Government regulation i.e. Industrial Minister regulation issue No. 124-34 year 2008 and KORE ES-RQ-120 that inspection of electrical installation is to be conductued on annual basis. Noted that the plant has shown documented inspcetion schedule, stating that the re-inspection will be done in August 2014. The delay of the reinspection was caused by high Production volume these days, as informed by the persons in charge.
' -ฝาเฉพาะในบางพื้นที่เช่นที่บรรจุ - ผลิตสาย 4 สายฉีด สายไฟฟ้าเสียหายพบ และสำนักงานการบำรุงรักษาอาจทำให้ไฟฟ้าอันตรายแรงกระแทกเช่นไฟฟ้าและไฟ-บางแผงไฟฟ้าพบเปิดเช่นที่ห้องน้ำซึ่งอาจทำให้คนงานที่สัมผัสกับอันตรายจากไฟฟ้า หรืออาจ initate เข้าและอาจตั้งค่าไฟฟ้าการเปลี่ยนแปลง โดยบุคคลที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาต-ในพื้นที่อื่น ๆ พบว่า สายไฟฟ้าถูกทางที่ห้อยอยู่ หรือทำงานบนพื้น เป็นพบในสายการผลิต 4 สำนักงานห้องปฏิบัติการ สำนักงานบำรุงรักษา และ ห้องฝึกอบรม ที่อาจสร้างอันตรายจากไฟฟ้า ทางที่ห้อยอยู่สายไฟฟ้าพบเช่นนอกขวดเป่าตั้ง 4 บรรทัด- Observing the contractor area working on new warehouse construction, it was noticed that they installed an electrical control panel, switch and cables located outside of building, in open area which may expose the panel, switch and cables to rain water. During the audit it was not proven that this electrical installation has correct Ingress Protection (IP) rating for the installation as per international standard IEC 60529. It was shown that an inspection was done by Electrician and safety officer that the panel was prohibited to be used due to no IP rating information, however it was seen that the electrical panel was still at the area and no tag or warning sign to prevent the use the electrical installation. The Plant could not ensure whether the electrical installation was used or not by the contractor. It was only said that the inspection result was informed to the contractor. (Note: the electrical installation was not in use during plant tour due to public holiday).- Electrical installation ot Plant was inspected by licenced 3rd party on 31 May 2013 as verified to the inspection report. It was not re-inspected up to now (July 2014), which is not in line with Government regulation i.e. Industrial Minister regulation issue No. 124-34 year 2008 and KORE ES-RQ-120 that inspection of electrical installation is to be conductued on annual basis. Noted that the plant has shown documented inspcetion schedule, stating that the re-inspection will be done in August 2014. The delay of the reinspection was caused by high Production volume these days, as informed by the persons in charge.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..