Drought or rain does not fall with the season.
THA Tum homes Surin has been calling for rain ceremony or ritual rain ceremonies, called Mrs. Maew by the belief of traditional rain fall that causes dry for a long time. Mrs. Maew parade helps rain.
The villagers have a female cat must be a female cat, only to have the steering wheel conform to the kheng had placed on the participants in the ceremony are kheng both men and women, but a beautiful body with silk, mudmee mueang Surin. The music consists of drum is have a water Canon and a water bowl to cover mat cat. Prior to the parade along the rice fields. People needed to help get Mrs. Maew in rain, kheng agreed on the rice paddies are lack of water near death.There is a 3 circle of Mrs. Maew around according to the area of the field. After the 3 day or 7 day , villagers believe the rain will fall.