Children’s perception and satisfaction. The accuracy of body
image was computed using the difference between the child’s current
weight status and her choice of a silhouette (the one “that looked like her”). Weight status or weight categories are frequently
used as a reasonably good proxy of the different somatotypes or
body shapes (Maddan, Walker, & Miller, 2008; Sheldon et al., 1940).
A negative score (−1) meant that the child overestimated her body
size whereas a score of zero (0) meant that the child was accurate.
A positive score meantthatthe child underestimated her body size.
Body satisfaction was computed by the difference between the two
chosen pictures in the body image task. A score of zero (0) meant
that the child was satisfied with her/his body type (the picture
she would like to look like is the same as the one that looks like
her). A negative score (−1) meant that the child would like to look
larger and a positive score (1) meant that she/he would like to look