Estimations of biogas emissions in final disposal sites have been studied by several researchers, primarily
for their potential as a renewable source of energy and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation. Different
models have been developed to predict the generation of biogas; the first-order model is widely used.
Most of these models are based on two parameters, the methane generation rate (k) and methane
generation potential (L0). These parameters cannot be generalized for biogas estimation in any site, and
must be modified according to in situ characteristics. The objectives of this research are (a) modify the
constants of k and L0 with in situ data, and (b) estimate the biogas generation in a sanitary landfill of a
Mexican city using the modified constants. The following data were used in modifying the model
constants biogas: (a) waste characterization studies, (b) biogas extraction tests, (c) observations of
characteristics and sanitary landfill operation, (d) interviews with the managers of the sanitary landfill,
and (e) several parameters of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) model. Biogas
estimation using the modified constants was performed in the version 2.0 Mexico Landfill Gas Model
proposed by Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SCS Engineers). The results show
that approximately 70% of the waste generated is organic, which influences the value of the parameters
used in calculating the k and L0. With in situ characteristics, values of k¼0.0482 yr1 and L0¼94,457 m3
were obtained. It is projected that the electric power generation could reach a maximum capacity of
2.4 MW in 2019. This energy could increase the installed capacity in the Ensenada by approximately
4.36% and supply approximately 66% of the electric energy required for lighting, which amounts to
savings of US$2.62 million and an environmental benefit of approximately 1.17 Mt CO2e from 2009
to 2025