Table 1
Mean rank scores for the 6 wildlife pests most frequently listed as 1 of the top 3 wildlife pests that result in the greatest number of complaints annually across 4 separate
regional classes in California. Multiple comparisons (Fisher’s LSD) were conducted to test for differences in rank scores for each species across regional classes (Reg) and for
differences in rank scores across each species within the same regional class (Spp).
Region Bird Pocket gopher Ground squirrel Vole Wild pig Coyote
Ranka Regb Sppc Ranka Regb Sppc Ranka Regb Sppc Ranka Regb Sppc Ranka Regb Sppc Ranka Regb Sppc
Coastal 0.57 B Y 1.19 A X 1.19 B X 0.19 A Y 0.57 A Y 0.50 B Y
Mountain 0.19 B Y 0.88 A XY 0.81 B XY 0.38 A Y 0.56 A XY 1.25 A X
Valley 0.64 B Z 1.15 A Y 1.64 A X 0.58 A Z 0.36 A Z 0.51 B Z
Multipled 1.19 A X 0.96 A XY 1.12 B X 0.19 A Z 0.46 A YZ 0.73 AB XYZ
a For each survey participant, the highest ranking pest received a score of 3, the second-highest-ranking pest received a score of 2, and the third-highest-ranking pest
received a score of 1. All other pests received a score of 0.
b Means in the same column with the same letter did not differ (P < 0.05).
c Means in the same row with the same letter did not differ (P < 0.05).
d Includes responses from survey participants who work in more than one region.