The QI Process
A project team consisting of staff nurses (PRN members) a clinical nurse specialist, a coordinator of nursing research, and a nurse researcher met and formulated a multistep process to improve pain assessment in children with CI. which included (a) a review of the literature, (b) discussion and feedback with our Family Advisory Council (FAC), and (c) the unit-based QI project.
Guiding the work of the group were principles outlined in the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice model regarding evidence and translation (Newhouse, Dearholt. Poe. Pugh, & white. 2007) the purpose of the multistep approach is to compile evidence from various sources (such as research literature, QI data, and patient (parents /families) experience), appraise the evidence obtained, and finally translate that evidence into practice. Worksheets adapted from Granger and Chulay (1999) were used to critique and synthesize research literature. The principles of translation involved the process of implementation using an action plan for change, evaluation of outcomes, and communication of findings (Newhouse et al.. 2007).