Positive psychology course evaluation form: An evaluation form was developed by the researcher in order to obtain the comments of counselor candidates about positive psychology course. This evaluation form was applied to the students after the completion of course. Evaluation form consists of six questions; three of them were closed-ended questions, and three of them were open-ended questions. In the closed-ended questions, students was required to answer the question about the existing of positive psychology course in the GPC program and if this course contribute to their vocational and personal / social development by giving the numbers from 1 to 5 scale. (1= I strongly agree 5= I strongly disagree). In the open-ended questions, first two questions were asked in order to understand vocational and personal/social developmental effects of course over the students. Third open ended question was about the students’ positive or negative views about the course intent, teaching methods, and the instructor. For the content validity of the form, the researcher has asked for the experts’ opinions on the questions in the form. In order to verify the external reliability of the form, data collection procedures and analysis were described in as much detail as possible. For the internal validity, the findings obtained have presented objectively without accompanying interpretation.