This relationship between the new and the existing concepts in the cognitive structure is called not arbitrary because it happens consciously and only with those concepts which are really relevant: Ausubel named them subsumers concepts. That is why he says learning is not a literal process, it is substantive. Moreira (1997) compares it with the mechanical learning. In mechanical learning the new information is memorized, with little or no relationship with relevant concepts already known by the student. This process just keeps new information for a while in the memory and then it is forgotten. /// Moreira (1997) stresses that meaningful learning does not imply that the meaning that has been learnt is the right one. The student can keep a misunderstood concept because of failures in the presentation of the concept or because the subsumers concepts had been previously misunderstood. /// Besides the content, another aspect influencing learning is the communication between teacher and students. Novak (apud Moreira 1997) has introduced the humanist approach to the Ausubel theory. According to Novak, learning results from a process of exchanging meanings and feelings between the teacher and the students. This exchange of meanings happens due to the content which should be structured according to the subsumers concepts. The exchange of feelings, is characterized by the student’s motivation to learn and the enthusiasm of the teacher about the theme as well as for the teaching activity (Moreira 1997, Moreira and Masini 1982).