I saw your PDF document for DR1 and I noticed the chemical composition which you designed for this new products, that is 3004 heat exchanger.
Usually price of 3004 heat exchanger stock in the market is very low, so we must produce with very low cost.
And main method by which we can achieve the low cost is to be enable of using low cost scrap.
By the way we are now planning to use DCC scrap for can body stock in near future, and this scrap’s cost is about 7 baht / kg cheaper than Al ingot.
Besides expected value of chemical composition of this scrap is shown in excel sheet ★Summary(v05) attached.
According the result of comparison of chemical composition between N004 of DR1 and expected value of DCC,
about all element in composition, N004 is lower than DCC, and this means that if we adopt this control limit of N004,
we cannot use much DCC for cost reduction, and this will result in higher price than the target cost achievable.
So about chemical composition of new heat exchanger stock, please consider to change the control limit of each element higher.
I saw your PDF document for DR1 and I noticed the chemical composition which you designed for this new products, that is 3004 heat exchanger.Usually price of 3004 heat exchanger stock in the market is very low, so we must produce with very low cost.And main method by which we can achieve the low cost is to be enable of using low cost scrap.By the way we are now planning to use DCC scrap for can body stock in near future, and this scrap’s cost is about 7 baht / kg cheaper than Al ingot.Besides expected value of chemical composition of this scrap is shown in excel sheet ★Summary(v05) attached.According the result of comparison of chemical composition between N004 of DR1 and expected value of DCC, about all element in composition, N004 is lower than DCC, and this means that if we adopt this control limit of N004,we cannot use much DCC for cost reduction, and this will result in higher price than the target cost achievable.So about chemical composition of new heat exchanger stock, please consider to change the control limit of each element higher.
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