3.6. Emulsion stability
Emulsion stability, quantified by creaming index of coconut
milk samples subjected to different treatments (thermal, pH, chilling,
enzyme and combination of enzyme and chilling treatments)
was studied and presented in Table 1. From the table, it can be observed
that coconut milk treated at 90 C shows 49% creaming index
whereas, in control sample it was observed to be only 27%. This
provides the evidence for oil droplets aggregation taking place to a
higher extent during the thermal treatment. Peamprasart and
Chiewchan (2006) reported that some proteins denature during
heating at 80 C resulting in the aggregation of oil droplets. Milk
sample treated at pH 3 and 10 showed 55% and 54% creaming index,
respectively. This clearly shows that pH can influence the oil
droplet aggregation and helps in destabilization of stable coconut
milk emulsion. Coconut milk treated with enzyme protease