My dream and aspiration is to work in the United Nations, especially in the field of environment protection. As a leader of Greenhawks, an environmentally friendly club in Wells, I believe education is key to changing the mental models engraved deep inside us. Having been heavily exposed to the overflowing garbage bins full of plastic bottles and other things that could be recycled, I was quick to come to the conclusion that change is not going to happen if only a minority of us understand and work on it. Working in the United nations would help me fulfill my goal of spreading awareness and taking actions, with the help of other like-minded individuals as passionately working for change as me. Wells International School also offers me the opportunity to
participate in the Model United Nations club, where I can go to conferences and build my leadership skills. The many service learning opportunities and trips in my school help me to find my passion in making my school community, local community, and the world a better place.