“People have been on the move since human life began. Migration is neither a new
phenomenon, a failure of development, nor a substitute for development…
individuals move as part of their effort to improve their lives and the lives of their
families, to learn new skills, to gain new experiences, to find a job or to flee insecurity,
disaster or famine. Migration is an economic, social and political process that affects
those who move, those who stay behind, and the places where they go.”1
And with the
advent of globalization, labor migration has become a worldwide phenomenon. People
are crossing borders to search for better job opportunities and to provide a better future
for their families. Along this development is the plight of more children being left behind
by either one or both parents, leaving them to the care of extended family members or
“People have been on the move since human life began. Migration is neither a newphenomenon, a failure of development, nor a substitute for development…individuals move as part of their effort to improve their lives and the lives of theirfamilies, to learn new skills, to gain new experiences, to find a job or to flee insecurity,disaster or famine. Migration is an economic, social and political process that affectsthose who move, those who stay behind, and the places where they go.”1 And with theadvent of globalization, labor migration has become a worldwide phenomenon. Peopleare crossing borders to search for better job opportunities and to provide a better futurefor their families. Along this development is the plight of more children being left behindby either one or both parents, leaving them to the care of extended family members orfriends.
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