Fig. 3: Permeation coefficients (cm/s) of FD4 before
and after treatments with PEs (n = 3-10)
The duration of the treatment and the concentration
used were adjusted for every PE. All the PEs were
dissolved in water (except for PA in PBS), with the
concentrations (all w/w) of 40% for UR (for 3d), 5% for
TA (for 15h) and 2% for PA (for 15h). A combination of
UR and TA (for 15h) as well as a serial treatment (UR
for 3d + TA 15h) was also examined. The cells were
kept at room temperature during treatments; except
for PA (32 °C). After treatments, both compartments
were then rinsed twice with double distilled water and
Receivers were filled with PBS and donors with marker
solutions in PBS (SF 500 µg/mL, FD4 1000 µg/mL and
RB 250 µg/mL). Samples (100 µL) were taken from the
receivers for 7-30h and replaced by the same amount
of fresh buffer. The fluorescence intensities of the
samples were analysed using fluorescence plate reader
(Tecan, Switzerland) with λ excitation at 485 nm, λ
emission at 535 nm filters for SF and FD
Fig. 3: Permeation coefficients (cm/s) of FD4 beforeand after treatments with PEs (n = 3-10)The duration of the treatment and the concentrationused were adjusted for every PE. All the PEs weredissolved in water (except for PA in PBS), with theconcentrations (all w/w) of 40% for UR (for 3d), 5% forTA (for 15h) and 2% for PA (for 15h). A combination ofUR and TA (for 15h) as well as a serial treatment (URfor 3d + TA 15h) was also examined. The cells werekept at room temperature during treatments; exceptfor PA (32 °C). After treatments, both compartmentswere then rinsed twice with double distilled water andPBS.Receivers were filled with PBS and donors with markersolutions in PBS (SF 500 µg/mL, FD4 1000 µg/mL andRB 250 µg/mL). Samples (100 µL) were taken from thereceivers for 7-30h and replaced by the same amountof fresh buffer. The fluorescence intensities of thesamples were analysed using fluorescence plate reader(Tecan, Switzerland) with λ excitation at 485 nm, λemission at 535 nm filters for SF and FD
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