When it comes to the utilization of ASEAN-led FTAs, the series of MSMEs
Dialogue Forums that were carried out by the ASEAN-BAC, the IISD, and their local
partners in the second half of 2013 and early 2014 in several major cities of ASEAN
(Manila, Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, and Yangon) also found that the lack of
information, especially with regard to information concerning foreign markets and the
technical know-how to use these commercial agreements, was considered as the major
stumbling block for the region MSMEs from using these FTAs. In addition, resource
persons and participants of these forums also cited the lack of opportunities for
MSMEs to network with their foreign counterparts as another common challenge for
MSMEs to engage more effectively in ASEAN-led FTAs. The participants to these
Forums, in fact, suggested the necessity of similar forums to be organized more
consistently in other cities and/or regions outside the capitals.