Kolams are known by different names in different parts of India. Hase in Karnataka, muggulu in Andrapradesh, chowkpurna in Uttar Pradesh, alpana in Bengal and Assam, and rangoli in Gujarat and Maharashtra.
- Information about different names in different parts of India from http://www.auroville.org/environment/villages/vill_kolam.htm
There are several types of kolam designs - line kolams, the free hand drawing of lines to make a geometrical pattern.
Pulli (dots) are arranged in a specific sequence and order & these pullis are joined to make pictorial designs.
In pulli kolams, there are two types
- joining the dots with straight lines to create the pattern.
- forming of twisted chains by linking one loop with the next & forming wonderful designs. This is called Neli, chikku, sikku, kambi or chuzhi kolam.
Kolams are known by different names in different parts of India. Hase in Karnataka, muggulu in Andrapradesh, chowkpurna in Uttar Pradesh, alpana in Bengal and Assam, and rangoli in Gujarat and Maharashtra.- Information about different names in different parts of India from http://www.auroville.org/environment/villages/vill_kolam.htm There are several types of kolam designs - line kolams, the free hand drawing of lines to make a geometrical pattern. Pulli (dots) are arranged in a specific sequence and order & these pullis are joined to make pictorial designs. In pulli kolams, there are two types- joining the dots with straight lines to create the pattern. - forming of twisted chains by linking one loop with the next & forming wonderful designs. This is called Neli, chikku, sikku, kambi or chuzhi kolam.
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