Under contexts that architecture was not impervious to technological, socio-political, and cultural transformation of the time, radical activities arises in the face of indeterminate identity of architecture, especially pedagogical institutions. The consequence of pedagogical experiments includes three parts: questioning Institutions, questioning the discipline, and questioning the outside of the discipline.
Questioning institutions stands for critique against pedagogy institutions within the education system, not only revolt and protest among students but also discussion among larger community rethinking pedagogical structures by larger architectural community. Moreover, attempts obliterating, not only challenging institutional platforms are accomplished by forging alternative institutional frameworks.
Questioning the discipline happens within the pedagogy. By rethinking core of architecture, redefining the foundations of architecture, teaching system has been therefore changed. Methods from other subjects like linguistics, sociological technique, and autochthonous tools are borrowed during this process to situate discipline in particular architectural language.
Questioning the outside of the discipline: multiple subjects are involved whereas building practice was entangled in the questions it tried to answer, like social, political, economic or technological conventions. While such diverse experiments mostly ended up short-lived and not successful, they were like seeds sown inside institution disciplines for future evolution.